Monday, February 4, 2008

Hodge podge

I feel as though this will be quite the hodge podge of information. 

an overview of things to come:
A review of the weekend in Chicago
Reflections on a book I'm reading
Super Tuesday
Boy, oh boy,  does my job suck right now

The weekend.

First off, I never seem to go to Chicago when it's not freezing. Saturday was tolerable but sunday the statement that the weather isn't so bad came back to bite me in the ass, not that I could feel it since it was so cold. Aside from the arctic air and flurries the weekend was phenomenal. I know I will get berated for this next like but...Wicked is awesome. I went in armed with the notion that this may not be as good as I think it is. Much to my excitement I was proved wrong, it was excellent. The Costumes, Dancing and in general the entire production is meticulously planned. My only complaint is that I want to run up to the two young ladies who have delved into the roles of Galinda and Elpheba and say, "Don't hold back, let 'er rip, belt it out!", anything to get them to not be so conservative with their voices. They are wonderful actors and truly bring the characters to life, but there are times when I expected and wanted more from their vocal contributions. There were times when they cut loose and it was good enough to give you goose bumps. After a taste of that you want that feeling all the time. 

We did a good job of not eating, shopping or doing things that we would normally do here. 
We ate at Giordano's (I do love chicago pizza), we walked around boystown, had coffee at places other than starbucks, ate dinner at Petterino's (I highly recommend), shopped in stores that aren't usually found around here, had lunch at the Grande Luxe Cafe (also recommend) fell in love with Argo Tea (I want one to come to Indy) and sought out art and things that you just can't find here. Not to mention becoming master of mass transit. 

On to the book I'm reading...
I've never read anything that could both make me want to cry and throw my book all at the same time. There were some passages I read (within the first 2-3 chapters) that made me sick to my stomach and so angry I wanted to yell. 

Normally if I was stating the above it would be followed up with a story of how someone did something so completely stupid that I can't even comprehend it. 

This is not the case. 

I'm reading Comeback, a true story of a mother and daughter torn apart by abuse, miss-communication, drugs, and more drugs. There life is sad, yet comical. There are moments where the authorities the two come across in their life are just appalling! They tell this mother that the best way to deal with her runaway-drug-using-self-mutilating 15 year-old is by letter HER decide what is best. Now I'm not a mother but absolutely not. It's frustrating to the point of anger. Yet time and time again the two overcome only to fall again at the next intersection. The writing is brilliant and is written from both the mother and daughters perspective. I'm not finished yet but I can hardly put it down. 

Moving on to Super Tuesday:
I'm not sure who to root for at this point I think I just want to have tuesday come and go so that I can have less choices and dive in to the "real" election. That's all I have on that for now. 
* I do find it interesting that there are very few things Clinton and Obama do not see eye to eye on, the biggest of which is the war. I may be tired of something that is thousands of miles away from our country controlling our lives and distracting our leaders from furthering our country. 

On the topic of my job. 
It's misserable! Silly festival is one month away, excuse me 21 days. I feel sick. I know in the end things will come together but right now it's one pitfall after another. I feel like it's a catch-22, damned if I stay, damned if I go. 

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