Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hot Dogs

So let's talk about the inappropriate use of a meat product: Hot Dogs

There's are great things to be said about an all-inclusive resort.
Free Drinks, all your meals, there's a restaurant open 24/7. 
But sometimes people cross the line...
Let's talk about the hot dog. 
Here's a food you expect to find at Ballparks, family cookouts and street vendors. 
Tiny hot dogs at breakfast, grilled ones at lunch and dinner, and the worst offense of all...ON A PIZZA at the snack bar. 
come on really!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Into the City (t may be too americanized for me)

This evening we traveled into the city to go to the market. 

The world may be becoming too americanized. 
Example: There are the following establishments here...
Mc Donalds
Burger King
Taco Bell (I have a real problem with a taco bell in mexico)
Carl Jr's
Sams Club
Home Depot
Pizza Hut

oh even passed a Dippin Dots Stand!

The city is interesting. It's divided into north and south sections by a river. The north is the more modern section of town and the hotel district. But in downtown there are still cobblestone streets. The market was not as busy as I thought it would be but we did find some cool stuff. 

We plan to venture into the older part of town and see the churches and art that it has to offer. 

More later

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Puerto Vallarta Here We Come

New Years Day: Depart for St. Louis for an overnight before flying out to Mexico the next day.

First of all who ordered the craptastic weather on New Years Day?!? It was like a snow tornado most of the way to St. Louis. However in the long run the trip was worth it.

Day One, Part One: The St. Louis Airport
Longest Security Line EVER!!! Were talking wrapped 5 times through the lobby. Finally we get to go through the whole unpack your bag, take of your shoes go through the air puffer machine fiasco. Of course it’s obligatory that when traveling in a group at least one person must have their bag searched and one person must step into that little roped off area to be wanded. Today was certainly no exception. Then all we wanted was a wheelchair and one came but oh wait, it was for Southwest customers only and we would have to wait for another one to be brought to us. Are you kidding me, just push us to the gate and you can have your blasted wheelchair back! Normal people arrive to their gate 30minutes to an hour before a flight, we arrived with 10 minutes to spare. Thank god it was a chartered flight and not your typical domestic airline. I’ve been scolded and had late stamped on my boarding pass just for not making it to the ticketing counter to check my bags by the hour prior deadline.

Anyway we were finally up in the air

Day One, Part two: Puerto Vallarta International Airport
Again with the wheelchair. We asked for one to be at the gate for us when we deboard the airplane. The stewardess was kind enough to call for one, yet we were in the back of the plain and when we got to the gate there were three groups waiting for the ONE wheelchair that had been provided. Now in this situation what does one do? Smack the other group with your cane and jump in the wheelchair and make a break for it? That’s what We all probably were thinking. Instead we were asked if the person in our party could walk a little bit and they would get us a wheel chair when we got downstairs. So we walked and arrived wheelchair. But, there was a very dilapidated rolling stool so we used that to go through customs! HA! We did finally get a wheelchair when it was almost our turn at the customs desk.

here's the "wheelchair"

Day One. Part three: Hola Resort and Spa, Puerto Vallarta
Ocean view room, all inclusive, pool then beach right there, tasty beverages included. I can’t believe it! It’s perfect.

We checked out the hotel and the pool and the beach. The downside: The ocean is a bit on the freezing side so far as is the pool, but the hot tub is perfect.

We enjoyed dinner on the beach our first night here. We’ve also booked a whale watching excursion for Monday! More to come tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Time Is Here

I know that this is a tardy post but the holidays have kept me busy.

Christmas was good. The Saturday before was spent with my family and then Christmas eve with Shelly’s family. Christmas with my family is interesting to say the least. The usually gifts for grandkids and such and then the adults do a white elephant exchange. This usually is a hoot and tragic all at the same time. This year was a bit time. Almost everything entered into the exchange was somewhat useful and tasteful. Huh...

This entailed Christmas Eve service at her moms church. Shelly’s mom is a Methodist Minister at a small church in the Haute. I nice and brief service complete with a rousing chorus of Oh Holy Night (which btw, probably shouldn’t sing the other three choruses because no one knew the words). But it was fun(ny).
Then we went to her sisiter Susan’s house (greeted as always by the angry tiny dog). So family and friends gathered and what did we do...watched videos of the Parke County Police learning how to use a Taser and taking turns getting tasered! WHAT?!? It was pretty funny.

It was good times and the next morning I spent with my dad and my step family. Christmas at my dads can be summed up by the following two statements: 1. It’s the only time you will see 3 months of work destroyed in 5 minutes flat and 2. It’s like Christmas from a mail order catalog, what you ask for is what you get. Not that that’s bad, just kind of funny sometimes.

Ahh Christmas Time....

Laura Blake
Event Coordinator
Music for All, Inc.
39 W. Jackson Place Suite 150
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225

Direct Line 317-524-6227
Phone 317.636.2263
Toll free 800.848.2263
Fax 317.524.6200

Music for All's mission is to create, provide and expand positively
life-changing experiences through music for all.

Bands of America and Orchestra America are programs of Music for All, Inc.